I never noticed it before. But sure enough, as soon as my dad pointed it out while we were on the road to Delaware, there it was...plain as day on the side of the truck. Can you find the arrow? Please tell me I'm not the only one who never caught on to this cleverness.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
negative space
Posted by erin at 1:41 AM 2 comments
Monday, March 20, 2006
purple ska
So, the plans were - drop Josh off at the airport, go to the gym, and then spend my first real day as a non-teacher in the most productive cleaning/packing frenzy you've ever seen.
But it's raining. Storming, actually. (perfect for driving to the airport, right? Boo on Mississippi drivers when it's raining, or anytime for that matter.)
So far, it's been a hanging-out-in-my-p.j's-til-I-took-a-late-shower, listening-to-Fighting-Gravity, and eating-peanut-butter-from-a-spoon kind of day. That's about the same, right? ;) It's truly astonishing how much of a slacker I can be when left by myself. It's only lunchtime though, so I still have time for the frenzy fairy to strike me with her magic wand.
It helps too that we have a deadline...we're moving next week! Our trip up to Virginia/Delaware was mercifully productive, even though we didn't find a house. We knew it was a long shot with our time frame, but hey, we've got an apartment to camp out in for a few months while we take our time looking. And we definitely got a good feel for the layout of Newark, since we (me, Josh, my dad, and my brother Joel) drove around it 50 million times in 2 days.
What other big life decisions did I make? Glad you asked. I'm pretty sure I'm going to look for a job up there. I know...this is news to me too. The assumption was that we would find a house (ha!), and I would spend the time between move-in and having a family fixing the place up. You know, painting, stripping and staining furniture, and the like.
Well, now we have an apartment for three months. I mean, it's debatable if we're going to even put pictures on the walls. And Josh will be at work all day. Right...you see my dilemma. My thoughts exactly. I would be a walking nutcase stuck there all day with nothing to do. So, here comes job interviews - my favorite. :P We'll see where I end up! Ha ha ha! (That's our new motto.)
Posted by erin at 2:19 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
and we have a winner!
It's official....the dog has a name.
(drum roll please...........)
The new Keltonic dog is....Cody!
Actually, 'Toby' was everyone's first choice. But after calling him that for a full day, it just didn't seem to fit. He just seemed like a Cody.
So nobody I know suggested that name, but if someone wants to pretend that he or she came up with it, I think I can still give out a prize of some sort.
Progress reports? What progress reports?
Posted by erin at 11:27 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 04, 2006
"well, at least it's not guns."
...said Josh as we were watching the end of the local news.
And he said that because there were who knows how many people in Portland, Oregon having a pillow fight. Yep. A pillow fight. Now of course we were only halfway watching the news, so neither of us had heard any sort of intro. We just looked up to see a mob of people on the screen all bashing each other with pillows in the street.
Could you see that happening in Jackson? Me neither. Definitely with guns, but not pillows.
Posted by erin at 11:27 PM 3 comments