man, time goes fast. it's so hard to believe that Sophia's already 3 months old! we're celebrating that (and Josh's well deserved day off) with a trip to Macy's and Costco. ha! yeah, i'll let you know how that goes. :P
Check out the new pictures and videos....we've expanded our picture pages!
Monday, May 28, 2007
3 months!!
Posted by erin at 10:36 AM 3 comments
Monday, May 07, 2007
a random train of thought....
As I reread my last post, I wondered if "Sophia sweetly sleeping" was a tongue twister - it seemed to be, but then I realized it was just sleep deprivation. :) reminded me of a good new tongue twister I heard on America's Funniest Videos, of all places. It's even better than "toy boat!" Ready? Say "Irish wristwatch" ten times fast. I have trouble getting it out even twice. :P
Posted by erin at 5:23 PM 0 comments
oh my gosh oh my gosh
Have you ever wondered if this could really happen? I have, especially recently. I've noticed a few ants wandering around the house now that it's warm...and then I look at Sophia sweetly sleeping and wonder - what if one were to crawl in her ear or nose? Would she wake up? What would happen? I'm seriously thinking about sleeping with some of Josh's earplugs for protection...and maybe hiring a bug guy. Yuck. I sure wouldn't be grinning like the kid in the picture!
In other news...Sophia is a growin' girl! She's now 9 lb. 12 oz., 22 in. long, and protected from all sorts of awful diseases! (poor thing, she definitely didn't see those needles coming.) She's moving right along those little growth chart curves, but we could have told you that. :)
Posted by erin at 3:19 PM 2 comments