" 'Prosperity theology' is that God is a pinata, that faith is a whacking stick, and if you 'claim the promises', then an Escalade with rims, and a flat screen tv, and a summer home, and a grill for your teeth just fall out of heaven...and then you can walk around praising God." Ha!
-from his sermon, "The Rebel's Guide to Joy in Poverty"
Monday, January 21, 2008
Pastor Mark Driscoll's take on health and wealth teaching
Posted by erin at 9:55 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
oh no
How many people saw this guy on American Idol last week? We were so dismayed to see that he was from here. The worst? Apparently he works at the customer service desk at our grocery store. *sigh* Ah, Delaware.
Posted by erin at 2:51 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
in the middle of the night....
...at 1:00 a.m, precisely...
Me: "I just had the saddest dream! I was sitting on a swingset underneath a big spreading tree, playing my new guitar. I noticed a flock of little black birds sitting above me, and as soon as I realized what might happen, sure enough...they pooped on my guitar! Twice!"
(I didn't wake Josh up to tell him this. We were both stirring in our sleep for some reason, half-way awake. Matching sleep cycles?)
Josh: "Hmm... I was just dreaming that I was sitting in the living room with your parents, and we figured out that we could get to Narnia. So....I'm going to go back to that and follow it."
What???!! I laid there for about half an hour, watching Josh go back to sleep and presumably to Narnia. I never have cool dreams like that! (I asked him about it the next day, and he said that he was able to go back, but he didn't remember anything after that.)
So do any of you have cool dreams like Josh, or are you all like me, dreaming only of old schools you went to, lateness, missing the bus, faking your way through show choir performances, etc.?
Posted by erin at 10:37 AM 3 comments
Thursday, January 03, 2008
now i'm not a phone person....
...but i had to call julia, even though we'd had a nice long chat the day before. ('course, i'm always a phone person with julia. :) ) as soon as i felt that little sharp nub in the top of sophia's gums, i knew that she could seriously appreciate that there was a reason for the whining and whining and whining had been happening yesterday. sheesh, sophia should have produced a tusk after all that! no not really - ha, poor little love. an icky cold and a tooth coming through - no wonder she was a wreck!
christmas in virginia was a whirlwind, but it was a sweet time with friends and all sides of the family. pictures are coming soon!
it occured to me as i looked at the archive list at the side that i've had this blog for two years now! i was teaching in mississippi when i started, and my blog was filled with witty commentary and cute quotes from the kiddos in my class. my blog is decidedly less witty these days, and the kiddo i'm around all day isn't quite coming out with hilarious soundbites. (though her giggles are awesome) but i have to say...i'm pretty sure this season of life the Lord has us in is full of blessings all its own!
Posted by erin at 9:07 PM 4 comments