Monday, April 14, 2008

rarity of rarities...

Fabulous customer service, that is! Here is the recent email exchange that made me love this Canadian company forever and ever:

To Whom it May Concern:

I recently purchased a spray bottle of Linen Water Spray in Blue Lavender from World Market. When I got home, I realized that, not only was the water rather cloudy, but there was a fair amount of white sediment/pieces floating in the bottle. The spray does not smell 'off'; in fact, it smells fantastic! Should I be concerned about the cloudiness/sediment? (I'm not sure how I missed it in the store.) It was on clearance in a branch of World Market that was going out of business, and is therefore nonreturnable. Thank you for your time and response!


Thank you for contacting Fruits & Passion!

Please provide us with your address and we will send you a replacement.

Have a nice day,

Amélie Brault -

Customer Service Coordinator / Coordinatrice, Service à la Clientèle
& Passion
Tel:1-866-638-8417 x 3049
Direct: 450-633-3049

Fax: 1-866-880-6060

Please visit our web site:

Wow!! I sent that email Saturday, and I got the response this morning. I really wasn't asking for a freebie, but how very generous of them! They definitely deserve a free blog plug. ;)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

thoughts on possessions

I just finished a fabulous read, called It's All Too Much. It's by Peter Walsh, the guy on "Clean Sweep" who helps people get rid of their clutter. (I haven't seen the show, but maybe some out there in the blogosphere know who I'm talking about?) Anywho, I saw a two-part documentary on a woman who had a severe struggle with hoarding, and the rescue/help/tips he was giving her as he dug her out was very different from the usual organize-your-life-with-color-coded-bins kind of wisdom. And joy of all joys, our local library had his new book! (So nice not to have to drop money on something you can borrow. that I think about it, I might actually add this to our library.)

The first chunk of the book is on why we have clutter....if you don't address that, then it will just come back. Turns out Josh and I have very different reasons! I'm much more of a sentimental clutter person....I can have a tough time letting go of things that connect to memories, events, people, etc. On the other hand, I am ruthless with trash. Car gets cleaned right away after a trip. Junk mail is sorted over the recycling bin before even hitting the kitchen table. Josh is the opposite - great at understanding that mementos don't necessarily equal memories, especially if they're in a box in the basement instead of in a place where they're displayed to enjoy them. I won't rewrite the whole book here (ha!), but let's just say - spring cleaning, here I come! Once we get the car settled, that is.....

Speaking of possessions....a big 'un is a goner. Yep, the lovely little black Honda was officially totaled. I had a good time thinking of the memories attached to it (see a pattern? heh heh), like taking it on some college saran-wrapping capers, driving away from our wedding in it, learning to do some serious snow driving in it in Grove City, and doing many a cross-country trip in it in seminary. The memories will remain though, even if it now rests in a salvage yard somewhere. *sniff sniff* Why are cars so personal, huh?

One last story about possessions, and then I'll end this novel of a post! Earlier this week, I went ...duh duh DUHHH... bathing suit shopping at Target. Blah. I don't care who you are, if you are female, this is not the highlight of your week. I'm really not sure who they're making them for, but clearly the mannequins aren't buying them, so the designers should adjust their proportions a little bit. I'm fine with how I'm created, but something about bathing suit shopping can really drive a person to almost have a dressing room screaming fit. Suit one...nope. Suit two...definitely nope! Suit three....even worse then the other two. *sigh* Alright, dressing room lady, please...I really really really don't want any of these. And then, out of the corner of my eye, I spied one hanging on the rack in the dressing room that someone else had rejected. Try it on...deep breath...hmmm...alright, not bad! I didn't do a happy dance or anything, but it was doable. Whew! Check the price tag.....$8.74!! As a lady in my church says, ''At'll do ya, hallelujah!!! Now it was time for the happy dance. :)

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