Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

woot woot for the coming snow! only 1-4 inches.....just enough to make everything pretty, but not so much that Josh has to do major shoveling. :D

got some free time? visit - a very deep window into people's hearts. (be forewarned, people send in some very..uh..unedited stuff) It makes me want to sit down and have lunch with so many of them, although I guess that would defeat the purpose.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

john elijah mckenzie

Congratulations John and Michelle! You and little Elijah are in our thoughts and prayers. :)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"Well, the wombat does already have underwear on!"

Seriously. This was just heard in our house.

Apparently, when we go to our labor/delivery/childcare class this Saturday, we're supposed to bring a doll or stuffed animal of some sort. I'm not sure what for, but I'm seriously hoping it's for the 'childcare' part.

Anywho, I really didn't think we had either a doll or stuffed animal here, but Josh helpfully reminded me that he has both a plush wombat and Eeyore in his closet. And he would have none of it when I didn't think that a four legged creature in a standing position would work for diaper practice or whatever-the-heck they're having us bring them in for. (And yes, the wombat is wearing Power Rangers underwear.)

I bet good money we'd be the first soon-to-be-parents to bring a wombat to class though.

Fountain Show

What better way to celebrate than with a beautifully choreographed show of Diet Coke and Mentos. Happy New Year to All! (Thanks Dad for telling me about this.)

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