Monday, January 23, 2006

We're not in Kansas anymore

Well, I had great expectations of filling a blog with witty or deeply profound quotes on a daily basis. But as you can see, the whole "daily basis" thing is not quite happening. I guess I didn't realize that you have to have some sort of working memory left at the end of the day to remember any great quotes. Aha! Now we see the problem. (Sorry to disappoint, Mary Wilsford:) )

(Cute quote of the day: "That's astrocious!" said one of my students after looking at her terrible handwriting on one of her papers. It definitely was astrocious.)

So, if you haven't heard the news by now, which would be unbelievable since news travels at the speed of light in our varied communities here, we're going to Delaware! You can read Josh's blog ( for all the details of the weekend, but man oh man, what a whirlwind. As of April 1st, if all the ordination stuff goes smoothly, Josh will be the assistant pastor at Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Newark (which is pronounced "NEW-ark," not "NEW-erk" like the one in Jersey).

Finding a house, packing an apartment, finishing a job, cramming in last minute's no wonder my head is scrambled!


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