Saturday, February 18, 2006

I'll give you a prize...

...if you can name this dog!

My family has acquired the cutest collie/chow mix that you have ever seen! And if you know my family (die-hard cat family to the end), this is a pretty big step. Problem is, no name they've tried has

The front-runner right now seems to be Buddy, because he's so kind and gentle-hearted that he tries to be everybody's best friend.

So...look at the pictures, and if you come up with the winner, seriously, I'll give you a prize. Not sure what yet, but know it will be fabulous!

(For those of you who've never met my family, he's with my brothers Jonathan and Joel in these pics.)


John said...

1. Cujo

2. Bruticus

3. Bruno

4. Spike

5. Spuds MacKenzie

6. Lassie

7. Benji

8. Toto

9. Win Dixie

10. Petey

11. Sam - (Feb. 15 blog)

12. Ninja Dog - (Watch Video "Ask a Ninja Question 11")

megumi said...


erin said...

ha ha ha! i, like that meg - i'll pass that on to my family. :)

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