Erin -- [adjective]: Like in nature to a banana peel 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
So this random definition generator is psychic after all! Why? Because, two and a half weeks after my return from the beach, the front of my shins have just started peeling. Ha!
In case you're one of the few readers that reads my blog and not Josh's (I can't think of any), here's the two month 'life update' in one breath.
June - bought the paint and the rest of Home depot, ordered laminate, ordered carpet, painted the downstairs of the house. wrong color! wasted paint - freaked out. upstairs color wrong too. non-returnable. bought more paint by running outside to the car with Josh four times to check paint chips in 'natural light.' with the help of 20-odd people from church, painted the ENTIRE townhouse ceiling to baseboards. tore out the old carpet, and replaced the blinds, garbage disposal, a bathroom sink, baseboard diffusers, gutters and gutter guards, ridge vent, toilet seat, screen door, and moved a cable jack. I am queen of the caulk gun. found out we're EXPECTING!!!
July - continued the autism job that I started mid-June. vowed that after the summer I would never work spec.ed. in the public school system again. what a mess. literally - I worked with 15-18 yr. olds who were non-verbal and working on potty-training. went on the saltines & ginger ale diet as my body decided it didn't like food after all. slept.....and slept and slept and slept.
(and I already know you're all going to really try and read that in one breath.)
so now, after a lovely vacation at the beach, we're finally settling into our fall routine. I'm home now, with plenty still to do on the house. and no, I'm not *really* showing yet, although I'm decidely more chunky around the middle. we did hear the heartbeat last week though, which was amazing!
and my appetite is definitely coming back... as evidenced by the Lady and Son's Cheesy Mac leftovers in the fridge. :)
We missed you, Erin!!! We are glad that you are back!
Yes. Yes we are! :)
That list of Home Depot was pretty impressive! Especially for a town house! My family and I have lived in a town house before (once upon a time); and I thought they were *please don't take offense* glorified apartments. Thus, I would think that the gutter stuff, for example, would be maintanence stuff that the owners should take care of?
At any rate, it's cool that yall did all of that anyways and I'm sure it feels much better than what it initially did, since yall have put your fingerprints of ownership all around the house. It's also cool that you're the queen of the caulk gun. I have recently learned the device myself. :)
Glad the appetite is back and the little one is coming a long fine (having a heart beat is a good sign :) ).
Lastly, I am disappointed that Julia and I were not able to see yall this August as I told Josh we would. I'm sure you were a little bit relieved *having guests in a new house on top of a first time pregnancy, etc.* to not have us come. But let it be known that we eagerly await the opportunity to see yall, your new house, church, and perhaps even your little one! I have no idea when that opportunity may be *probably not until at least next summer*, but we shall see. :)
Love the Davises.
you're right...the previous owner should have taken much better care of the place. he should definitely not have let the gutters hang off or the sink have holes in it or put carpet in a basement with standing water problems. but he was ...well...there aren't really nice words to describe the man.
nonetheless, it worked out well for us, because the vast majority of stuff to be done was cosmetic, and the selling price was lower because of it.
and don't worry - I don't take offense at the glorified apartment comment. we do own it, and it is two stories plus a basement and a yard, so that's different. but we do also have neighbors on both sides that are, um, very close. :D
Ah yes...very close...our neighbors' houses (to the right and left) are closer than I would want them as well. :)'s a question for you. How are you coming a long with regards to being a pastor's wife!?...and how are you coming a long with regards to being a wife to Pastor Joshua? ;)
I know it's been a looong time since leading that small group in college, but I thought this was the perfect opportunity to say hi and...
Congratulations! :):)
We had a little boy in January, so I'm all about babies these days. I'm glad to hear you are doing well and have such exciting news. (maybe I'm the only one that only reads your blog, but thanks for the update!)
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