Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

woot woot for the coming snow! only 1-4 inches.....just enough to make everything pretty, but not so much that Josh has to do major shoveling. :D

got some free time? visit - a very deep window into people's hearts. (be forewarned, people send in some very..uh..unedited stuff) It makes me want to sit down and have lunch with so many of them, although I guess that would defeat the purpose.


erin said...

Well we only ended up getting a whopping half inch that melted by nine this morning. We're supposed to get another whopping half an inch around rush hour today. whoop-de-doo.

erin said...

girl, that's not mean mommy, that's sane mommy - better for your kids than any toy! ;)

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