Monday, September 03, 2007

Things I've Learned About Myself from Guitar Hero

1. This game is tough on us perfectionists....especially ones who already play guitar.
2. Guitar Hero is nothing like playing guitar, but my brain thinks it is. It keeps trying to make up rhythms that don't exist.
3. My contacts dry out when I play, because apparently I forget to blink.
4. Despite #'s 1-3, the game is still wickedly addicting. ;)
Thanks to Jonathan and Joel for getting me hooked at the beach!

Here's a cutie picture of Sophia in her beach hat. Don't be fooled by the big grin - she was scared to death of the water and the wet sand! Poor thing. She did seem to have a good time as long as she was held high above those mean old tidal pools. :)


Ulie said...

Awwwww! What an absolutely adorable picture of an absolutely adorable baby!!! *the whole blog audience sighs in unison*
It looks like you found a great hat for Sophia- or is the pic misleading? ;)
Our local Kmart has a Guitar Hero display that Zach always makes sure is working, and you just answered a question about its realism I ask myself every time we're there.
My favorite is #3- you're so funny! I love reading your blog. :)

erin said...

oh, i forgot to tell you - i did find a cute hat! she needed one that was 0-3 mo. for her little head, and most places, if they had any left at all, were sized 0-12 mo. gap had one left, and it just happened to fit perfectly! hooray!

(i'm pretty sure it wasn't meant to be a beach hat, but whatever works, ya know?)

Anonymous said...

You're welcome, rookie!


erin said...

ha ha - joel, you're totally right. i'm such a rookie! i can now appreciate the practice stuff you were doing on the hard level. :)

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