Sunday, February 17, 2008

odds and ends

Sometimes my posts are longer than others, and sometimes they just end up being random lists of things that have recently caught my attention. This is definitely one of the second sort. :)

1. The other day, I ended up behind this SUV that was some sort of mobile veterinarian unit. It's hard to tell from the cell phone pic (don't worry - we were stopped at a light!), but not only does it have "no narcotics on board" painted on the back, but it has one of those little oval decals on the back, this one with the letters "SN" printed on it. What did it stand for? "Spay and neuter." I am officially sick of the little oval decals.

2. Sophia's food tastes are ever changing! She loves finger foods, but the ones she loves make no sense to me! She enjoys some of the typical ones (cheerios, cheese, deli chicken, anything breadlike, bananas), but she must have some serious texture issues going on. She adores pureed fruits and veggies, but she won't touch them if they're in chunk form, not even if they're steamed to the level of softness known as "mush." Know what she likes? Hummus. Yep, my homemade over-the-top-with-garlic-and-cayenne hummus...and peeled and diced olives. heh little Greek baby.

3. I saw the American Idol guy when I was at the grocery store a few days ago. (see earlier post) I thought about getting someone to take a cell pic of us, remembered what he had actually done on American Idol, and decided against it. :)

4. I've had several other little epiphanies/random trains of thought that I thought would be worth sharing over the past few days, and of course, they've all escaped somewhere now that I have a moment to sit and blog. I guess this means there'll be a part 2!


Ulie said...

Yay! I love this post! That's great that you've found another food Sophia likes, and even better that it's something you might actually eat, too. :) Greek baby! Any hope of sharing your recipe?
Your S&N sticker-sighting reminded me that I was behind a van last week that was a magician's vehicle. He had his advertising all over it, but it was still very tasteful and organized, and next to the phone number was this little lightning bolt, below which read, "Telepathically Dispatched!" in small writing. I couldn't find my phone fast enough before the light turned green, and I had totally forgotten until your post, but it was so funny!

erin said...

ha ha! that's awesome. :)

i'm thinking about you and eli's meeting today!

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