Wednesday, October 01, 2008

testing, testing, 1 2 3...

So, I couldn't think of any clever or funny way at the moment to intro this bit of news, but I'd figure I'd let all 3 of you that read this in on the most recent developments in our quest to get Sophia to gain weight. Sophia is growing! Hooray, right? Sort of hooray. Apparently she's getting taller even faster than kids normally do at this age, so she's up to the 50th percentile in height. Hot dog! And she's gaining weight, but it's still on the same little curve that she's made below the chart (Is that a negative percentile? Is there such a thing as the zero-eth percentile? What's below that?) So while she's definitely growing, the height/weight ratio is getting bigger, which according to the gastroenterologist, means 'worse.' Her appetite is still fairly non-existent too. (You would not believe how many people have told me how much they would kill to have this problem, and I got to tell you, it's sort of a comfort to hear that...but...not really.)

She's still on meds to treat her reflux (we think it's working?), but the erythromycin never really made her hungry. And that's the best option to treat poor appetite, as far as side effects go. So...Sophia gets to have a sweat test and upper GI endoscopy w/biopsy to see if there are any underlying reasons for the DGE - food allergies, bacterial infections, or still-high acid levels etc.

The sweat test isn't a huge procedure, but the endoscopy does involve total anesthesia. :( Fortunately, she won't remember a bit of it, and she'll have little if any side effects from the procedures. The sweat test is tomorrow, and the endoscopy is Tuesday, so we'd love your prayers! Most of all, that God's will would be done in all this, but especially that we might get some answers, and that we would be calm and flexible while dealing with all the doctors and waiting rooms!


Unknown said...

We're praying for you, josh and Sophia... Love ya!

Ulie said...

How did it go yesterday? Thinking of you and praying for the whole fam...

erin said...

thanks guys! the sweat test yesterday wasn't super fun, but they already called back and said the test was negative. (it was for cystic fibrosis, which we were pretty sure she didn't have anyway.) one down, one to go!

Amy said...

Erin...I'll be praying for Tuesday! I hope you all can get some answers!

Ulie said...

I'm praying for you and thinking about you today! I hope by the time you read this you're home with sweet Sophia and the test is in the land of memory...

Ulie said...

Wait a minute... today's Monday. Well, I'm still thinking about you and praying for you anyways! :)

megumi said...

How did the endoscopy go? I hope you got some answers.

Why Erythromycin? Is Sophia getting lots of yogurt to replace the good bugs?

Anonymous said...

Erin, I tagged you...I will not be at all upset if you'd rather not participate...check out my blog to see what I mean.
Love you and hope Sophia's doing better!

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