Friday, February 02, 2007

"Wow, I'd be fat AND fast!"

Yep, that's right folks. Caffeinated doughnuts. Josh was totally psyched, despite the odd physical results he imagined. ;)

In other news, I assembled the crib myself today. Not because Josh didn't offer - no, no...for some strange reason I really wanted to do it myself. I am now queen of the Allen wrench!


godgivensmile said...

"'I see nothing positive from this,' said Barry Popkin, a nutrition scientist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 'In many ways we're creating a super caffeine generation. They're undersleeping, they consume a lot of caffeine to stay awake but they don't understand there are health effects.'"

Sounds like somebody forgot their cup of coffee this morning. ;)

godgivensmile said...

"'It's like getting a candy bar and putting Vitamin C in it, saying you're getting your Vitamin C from this candy bar.'"

OH WOW! Is it too late to market this idea?!?! I can't believe she's just throwing these ideas away like that!?!

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