Monday, April 02, 2007

Look how she's growing!

It's hard to believe how much this little sweetpea is changing everyday. These two pictures were taken just a few weeks apart - you can see the difference! We find that our nicknames for her keep changing too- she was 'peanut' and 'little nut' for the first few weeks, but 'sweetpea' and 'little love' seem to be the new ones.

So the blogging has been a little sparse, but what can I say - it's a good day when I'm actually showered and out of my p.j's by the time Josh gets home. :D Keep checking the photo site though - Josh puts new pictures on all the time!


godgivensmile said...

The one picture entitled, "Concern," looks as if she has a front tooth.

She doesn't have a tooth already, right? forewarned...I have made the mistake before with regards to sticking my finger in a baby's mouth bearing teeth...Yeeouch! It was at that point that I understood the pain that (or could sympathize with) the mother experiences in breast feeding with a teething baby.

Teeth on baby = natural weening-off-of-breast-feeding motive.

erin said...

nope, not a front tooth - thank goodness! just a little lip crusty or something. :)

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