Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"Well, the wombat does already have underwear on!"

Seriously. This was just heard in our house.

Apparently, when we go to our labor/delivery/childcare class this Saturday, we're supposed to bring a doll or stuffed animal of some sort. I'm not sure what for, but I'm seriously hoping it's for the 'childcare' part.

Anywho, I really didn't think we had either a doll or stuffed animal here, but Josh helpfully reminded me that he has both a plush wombat and Eeyore in his closet. And he would have none of it when I didn't think that a four legged creature in a standing position would work for diaper practice or whatever-the-heck they're having us bring them in for. (And yes, the wombat is wearing Power Rangers underwear.)

I bet good money we'd be the first soon-to-be-parents to bring a wombat to class though.


godgivensmile said...

He should also have the gerbal hand-puppet. You could stuff a minature water bottle upside down inside the puppet with the cap slightly open. That way when it could train you to know what a wet diaper feels like.


godgivensmile said...

oops...the last sentence should read: "That way it could train you to know what a wet diaper feels like."

erin said...

I just asked him, and he said the gerbil is also in his closet. (He also said that the power rangers underwear had some college related history - something involving Ross, but he wasn't sure.) He promises they are unworn.

godgivensmile said...

Yeah...I agree that there was 'something' with those and him...for some reason...my memory about the details are also supressed.

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