Saturday, March 04, 2006

"well, at least it's not guns."

...said Josh as we were watching the end of the local news.

And he said that because there were who knows how many people in Portland, Oregon having a pillow fight. Yep. A pillow fight. Now of course we were only halfway watching the news, so neither of us had heard any sort of intro. We just looked up to see a mob of people on the screen all bashing each other with pillows in the street.

Could you see that happening in Jackson? Me neither. Definitely with guns, but not pillows.


John said...

If there was a "pillow fight" in Jackson, I would stay close to Darth Josh because I know what he would be brandishing -

John said...

Note - the ".mov" ending of the URL is not visible for some reason. Be sure to include it! Hey, Hey, Hey!!!

erin said...

ha ha..yes, I've always been concerned about the grave watermelon threat we have here. :)

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