Friday, July 13, 2007

"ummm...we've found an elephant walking down the street."

This is great! I love the tone of the kid's voice...

(sorry you have to cut and paste the link, for some reason)


Ulie said...

Yeah, there's pretty much no chance that I would have believed a teenager telling me he'd just seen an elephant walking down the street... I'm glad the dispatcher had a more open mind! How do you FIND this stuff?? :)

godgivensmile said...

Sorry for not posting in so long. Actually, I have tried to post several times; however, Blogger said I didn't know my password. Thus, I have caved in again and created another account.

I love your picasa pictures and videos. I love seeing yall's lives, including Sophia.

Julia and I have a 'Mr. Nibbles' family that likes eating the bird seed that we put out FOR THE BIRDS. What's even more annoying than the squirrel eating bird seed are the neighborhood cats that lay around our feeder watching the squirrel eat the seed. What a bunch of 'pussy cats'!

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